Pets enliven our halls and led us to donate

Helping four-footed friends: Staff members and their pets pose with some of the goods the Atria Guilderland Assisted Living Community donated to the Mohawk Hudson Humane 

To the Editor:

If you’ve been to our assisted living community, you would probably notice the dogs that roam the hallways, greeting guests and residents. While we have our live-in dog, Buddy, there are also several staff members who bring their pups to work on a regular basis.

In addition to dogs, our residents are also able to bring other pets along with them, including cats and birds. It is because of our pet-friendly nature that Atria Guilderland Assisted Living Community had chosen the Mohawk Hudson Humane Society as its fund-raising focus for the first half of 2013.

Through staff auctions, bake sales, and other creative fund-raisers, the Atria Guilderland community was able to raise just about $600. The money was spent on items which appear on the society’s website as being “in need”; including staples like canned cat and dog food, paper towels, and cat litter, but also less-thought-of items such as Frontline and peanut butter.

In September, several of our management staff and furry friends took the community bus down to the shelter and dropped off the goods. We want to thank everyone who helped raise money for this great cause.

Heather Lawton
Executive Director
Atria Guilderland