The Altamont Enterprise, April 16, 1915
Is That of Mr. E. C. Griffith, on the Farm Formerly Owned by the Late Eliakim F. Wormer
One of the best kept orchards of the county, if not of the state, is to be found right in our midst; that of Mr. E. C. Griffith, formerly owned by Eliakim Wormer.
The trees show what can be done when given care and attention. All the trees have been thoroughly pruned, scraped, and all cuts painted. Cavities, where found, are cleaned out and filled in with cement.
This orchard for the past two years has had three thorough sprayings every season; one at the time the blossoms fall, the second ten days to two weeks later, and the third about the last week in July. The result of this spraying has been shown by the bright, clean and worm-free fruit. The attention the orchard has received has increased the bearing properties of the trees, as was shown by the past year’s crop, which was a little over 3,000 barrels.
Meeting to be Held Next Tuesday in the Interest of Organizing a Bureau in Albany County.
On next Tuesday, April 20, at 10:30 a.m. at the Chamber of Commerce in Albany, will be held another meeting in the interest of organizing a farm bureau for Albany County. It is hoped that every farmer of the county is interested in this project and will be present at the meeting, when it is hoped that the organization can be perfected. Don’t let this matter drop. There are 32 such bureaus in this state now which are a success, and why not have one here to help build up Albany County?
Union Church
Remember the Easter social in the lecture hall tonight, Friday.
Cornelius VanDerzee has been installing electric lights in his house, barn, and garage.
Mrs. John Martt, who has been quite ill with the grip, is improving.
The Dramatic Circle will give a comedy play entitled, “The Suffragettes’ Convention” in the lecture hall here on Friday and Saturday evenings, April 30 and May 1. Admission, 15 cents. Curtain rises at 8. Refreshments will be served.
Mothers and Girls
Did you ever stop to think how perfectly delightful it must be to be able to carry on a conversation and entertain people of culture? Those of us who do not enjoy the thrills of easy conversation know what a drawback it has been to our social life — and how difficult it is for one to keep the heart and mind alert with real or imaginary things of general interest.
If you wish to learn the proper way to carry on a conversation and make your talk interesting, sensible, and valuable, we suggest that you read Today’s Magazine. This publication will tell you how to converse with ease. It is a magazine published for women. You can get this magazine and two others with The Enterprise all one year for only $1.35. The Altamont Enterprise, Altamont, N.Y.
School Children Active in Destroying Eggs of Tent Caterpillar.
More than 30,000 bushels of eggs of the tent caterpillar have been gathered in the county of Ulster by the school children, under the direction of W. Hook, of the Farm Bureau.
A boy in the grades attending the New Paltz Normal school in Ulster County received the prize in that village, his count being 5,875 cases.