Instead of buying, make gifts or share experiences
To the Editor:
It’s that time of year again. The holidays find people at the stores buying all sorts of new items — from holiday décor to presents. When we buy new items, we may want to be aware of how our actions affect the planet.
If you really want to buy items for the holidays, here are some options. Second hand stores, consignment stores, thrift stores. “Buy nothing” is a Facebook group that lets people get and give free stuff.
Make items. There are plenty of YouTube videos to teach you how to make items. If you want to improve your mental health this season, volunteer for the multiple nonprofits in the area. Better yet — serve food to the homeless at a homeless agency (call first).
“Experiences over stuff” is another option. There are plenty of activities and events during the holiday.
Here are just a few. Get on the websites for libraries and museums. They may have holiday classes, activities, and events. Also look for parades, homemade holiday craft fairs, holiday walks, homemade potlucks.
Albany has holiday strolls, skating at the Empire State Plaza, winter light walk, and a downtown hot-chocolate stroll. When is that last time you went to a play? Now there is an experience in which you can feel a variety of emotions!
Happy holidays!
Elaine Doremus