Altamont Enterprise November 21, 1924



A meeting of ex-service men of Altamont and vicinity was held in Enterprise hall Thursday evening, at which time an American Legion post was formed. 

The official title given the post is Helderberg Post No. 977, and the following officers were chosen: Harry L. Gaige, commander; Luther C. Warner, first vice commander; Ellsworth Chesebro, 2nd vice commander; Orren J. Finch, 3rd vice commander; Ivan A. Sand, adjutant; Walter B. Gaige, treasurer; and Millard Frink, chaplain. 

The formal presentation of the charter will take place shortly, at which time high officials of the state and national organizations will be present, and to which the public is cordially invited. 


Congratulating ourselves on the long spell of mild weather during October and November’s first week, everyone seemed to think that winter had decided to remain in the background until the holiday season; consequently we were not prepared for what happened on Sunday and the two days following. Late Sunday afternoon “Old Man Winter” caught us asleep and awakened us from our dreams with a heavy gale and snow flurries, with a drop in temperature to near the zero point. Ice formed quickly on the ponds, and the boys hunted up their skates and have been enjoying the sport. The latter days of this week warmed up a bit. The cold spell broke automobile radiators and engines where water had been left in the machines, and plumbers had to repair a number of broken pipes. 



William McKown, one of the oldest alumni of the Albany academy, and grandson of the original settler of McKownville, died Saturday, November 8th, 1924, at his residence at McKownville. He was 83 years old. 

He was born in McKownville and has resided there all his life. For many years he was justice of the peace of the town and for more than thirty years owner of McKown grove. 


— Quite a number from in and around the village enjoyed a “husking bee” at the home of Fred Joslin, last Thursday evening. 

— We are glad to note that Lloyd Ryder, who was seriously injured while hunting last week, is improving in the Albany hospital. 


The cold snap of last Sunday found people unprepared for such a sudden drop in the temperature. Therefore it resulted in frozen water pipes, vegetables, autos, tractors, house plants, etc., causing considerable loss. 


Schuyler LaGrange has returned from a hunting trip in the Adirondacks, bringing a fine black bear weighing 300 pounds. 


Thieves are busy around here, stealing what few sheep the farmers have. Frank Hallenbeck had six and on Wednesday night they were stolen. On the same night two were stolen from Bert Applebee but the thieves left two they had stolen from some other place. 

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