Love and compassion eases arduous journey

To the Editor:

Scott and I would like to thank Rensseaerville and the Hilltowners that have collectively come together to show love and compassion for Scott during his arduous journey with squamous cell carcinoma of his maxillae and eye.

First discovered two years ago, Scott has been on a medical path of major surgeries, radiation, and chemotherapy. Next week, he finishes up his latest proton therapy/chemo regimen in New York City.

Some friends asked what they could do to help, as many have. With rides, gas cards, many meals dropped off, dog care and help with the farm, they wanted to do more.

It was decided they would form the “Friends of Scott Green,” and host a fundraiser event at Conkling Hall on Sept. 22 from noon to 4 p.m. The army of contributors includes local businesses like Kuhar Farm, Shell Inn, Hilltown Commons, Friends of Conkling Hall, Heather Ridge Farm, Crosby Farm, Gra Den Talun Farm. And a host of culinarians, pastry chefs, and volunteers are joining forces to host this veritable feast.

A pig roast, gourmet vegetarian selections, “The Rensselaerville Charcuterie/Cheese board,” and a sweets auction will be the centerpiece of the day, including a cash bar and multiple talented local musical performers.

Please stop by Sunday, Sept. 22, and enjoy the camaraderie of this giant effort, or visit  the GoFundMe page:

Thanks to everyone for all you are doing!

Tim Lippert

Scott Green


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