Altamont Enterprise March 6, 1924



At the annual village election to be held on March 17th, there will be submitted to the voters of Altamont a proposition to authorize the issuance of $14,000 in bonds, the bonds to be used to replace approximately 4,500 feet of 4-inch iron water pipe leading from the large reservoir to the small reservoir, with 6 to 8-inch iron pipe, and to make necessary extensions. 

This is an improvement to the water system which is very necessary in order to obtain sufficient pressure in the village for general and fire purposes. At present the pipe leading from the large reservoir is too small to supply enough water should any emergency arise, such as a large fire. 




“The Cost of Friendliness” was the topic for discussion at the society prayer meeting last Sunday evening. Under the leadership of Ruth Vroman, the meeting was conducted in the form of a “Telephone Meeting.” A miniature telephone was installed upon the reading desk. The leader then proceeded to call each member on the telephone. In answer to his call, each Endeavorer rose and took part in the meeting. 

Something special is planned for the next meeting. 


Quaker Street 

Miss Marie Blau, who was having a little vacation with her parents since graduation from Child’s Hospital, Albany, was called back last Saturday on her first nursing case. 



— The quarantine was lifted from the M. E. parsonage Monday night and the pastor and his family are again living under the same roof. 

— Jacob Enders and family and Mrs. William Enders motored to Schoharie Sunday afternoon and called on Mrs. William Enders’s sister, Mrs. Von Linden. When they returned in the evening it was raining and on account of the icy condition of Quaker Street hill they left their car at the top and walked home. They found the walking slippery. 


South Thompson’s Lake 

— Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Quay entertained about twenty-five of their friends last Friday night. Games and music were enjoyed and luncheon was served. A peanut walk was rather amusing, Alta Quay winning the first prize, carrying the most peanuts across the room on the back of her hand, the number being thirty-six. 


West Township

Mr. and Mrs. Lansing Finch wish to thank everyone who so kindly helped to open the roads so that Mrs. Finch could get to Altamont during the time that their daughter was in the hospital at Schenectady. 


Village Notes 

The Altamont Hose company has announced that the fair which was scheduled to be held April 8, 9 and 10 has been  postponed until the following week, and will be held on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday evenings, April 15, 16 and 17. It was thought advisable to make the change in date because of the fact that the original dates come during Holy week. 


Schoharie and Barton Hill 

Local hunters report seeing many deer in this vicinity recently. The most seen was a herd of sixteen and a fawn on the Floyd Mann farm last week. 

More Back In Time



    — About twenty men including Masons, Odd Fellows, and Klansmen, from this village, attended a large mass meeting at Gallupville Sunday evening and listened to a very fine address delivered by the Rev. Mr. Black of Central Bridge. 


    Special Train From Albany 

    To View Eclipse 

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