Unfettered growth needs to be checked during comprehensive-plan update
To the Editor:
We were very heartened to read your recent editorial entitled “We need a Stop sign at the intersection of development and preservation” [Jan. 25, 2023]. Your support of a moratorium on building while revising the town’s comprehensive plan has hit home with many and also evidenced by the statements made by Mr. [Gerd] Beckmann and Mr. [Charles] Klaer at the last Comprehensive Plan Update Committee meeting in January.
If you check the Guilderland Planning Board agenda for Feb. 8, 2023, you will see there were two items on the agenda. The first one was the Barth Meadows Major Subdivision- NYS Route 146/Concord Hill Drive/Posson Road. This is approximately 87 acres that is to be split into 66 single-family lots for single-family homes.
What was very refreshing, was [planning board Chairman] Mr. [Stephen] Feeney stating that the project would not be approved as it came before the board [“Proposed development on site of former Guilderland pig farm tabled,” The Altamont Enterprise, Feb. 13, 2023].
What seemed to be an issue was that the developer thought the comments given by the Conservation Advisory Committee were just that, and proceeded to ignore those recommendations and present his plan as is, to the planning board. Kudos to Mr. Feeney for upholding the town code for this project and tabling it until there are substantial revisions to the plans.
The second item on the agenda was the Albany Country Club project near the Albany Country Club golf course that will have over 250 separate dwelling units from apartments to town homes to condominiums. This was not a formal request other than to “introduce” the project to the board.
This does not include the already approved 58 single-family homes and 231 multi-resident apartments noted on the “Residential Development Activity - As of August 22, 2022” form maintained on the planning department page of the town website.
This total of 289 approved residential units will have a huge impact on our town. Add to that the number of projects currently under review, which total 485 living units, and the over 300 units that are being proposed, and we are looking at close to 1,000 living units that are either proposed, under review, or have been approved in this town.
Although a “traffic study” was conducted, it was in 2020, three years ago. Much has happened on that road since then and much of the traffic from Mill Hollow as well as Hiawatha (Hamilton Parc) which is not yet built, hasn’t been considered in these studies.
The Comprehensive Plan Update Committee is charged with updating the current comprehensive plan. Part of that update includes looking at a variety of issues such as conservancy of open space; infrastructure; neighborhood studies; affordable housing; growth since the last plan approval; quality of life; noise issues; town services such as emergency medical services, fire, police; viewsheds; aesthetics of the town; traffic; etc.
If this committee is to be allowed to do its job, and do it competently and completely, there must be a moratorium on any larger scale development until there is a plan in place.
How can you expect this committee to deal with issues such as affordable housing, when the town continues to approve market-rate or higher-end apartments and housing developments?
How can they look at traffic studies when the studies are not accurately reflecting what the traffic will be because no one is looking at the fact that several developments are being considered/built off the same roadways, yet all are not considered in the study, only what is there now?
How does that accurately reflect traffic, infrastructure, etc.? It does not.
How does this reflect what the residents of the town want? It does not.
We strongly urge the town board to enact a moratorium on larger subdivision projects that will have an impact on all the areas mentioned above. In fact, a draft of a local law/resolution has already been drafted by one of our town council members. All it needs is to be reviewed and put to a vote with a public hearing.
Give this Comprehensive Plan Update Committee the time and wherewithal to complete the job they were selected to do. They volunteered and have chosen to serve because they believe in this town and want what is best for everyone.
Let the members do their job and do it without having to work around large development activity that will change the landscape they are charged with reviewing with neighbors in those areas. Let’s ensure that the needs, concerns, wants and desires of the residents are met and not the developers who have taken over this town.
This is an example of unfettered growth that needs to be put in check during this important comprehensive-plan update. We hope that the town can put aside the desire to continue building and look at what residents want first.
Robyn Gray
Guilderland Coalition for Responsible Growth
Editor’s note: For the Albany Country Club proposal, the Guilderland Town Board is the lead agency.