Knox Democrats seek candidates
To the Editor:
It is time to plan for November’s local elections. Since our democracy depends upon voters having options, we need candidates to run for office.
The town of Knox has the following openings:
— Supervisor ($17,413.76);
— Clerk ($13,774.51);
— Two council members ($3,976.96 each);
— Justice ($10,545.60);
— Highway superintendent ($63,275.76 plus $5,200 for administration);
— Tax collector ($5,200).
The Knox Democratic Committee is looking for capable, motivated community members, no matter what your political party affiliation is. We are drawing from a small community, and the issues that come before our local officials are not at all related to the platforms of national political parties. Our meetings are cordial and productive.
As a leader in Knox, you would address how to improve our facilities and services and how to preserve, protect, and maintain our community resources. You could help make Knox a safer and better place to live. You could make a difference!
If you or someone you know is willing to step up to this challenge, we would be happy to talk it through and answer questions.
Amy Lauterbach Pokorny
Town of Knox
Democratic Committee
Editor’s note: Amy Lauterbach Pokorny is a former member of the Knox Town Board and is married to the current supervisor, Russell Pokorny.