Hilltowns Senior News for Wednesday, November 17, 2021
The Hilltown Seniors met for their monthly meeting on Nov. 13. I introduced our guest speaker who talked about Medicare open enrollment and talked about many options available and what fits your needs.
We then welcomed some new members and am sure they will have a “hoot” of a good time!
We are planning our Christmas celebration for next month and will put on a show and have our luncheon catered. You need to sign up for that; please let me know.
Trips we talked about are a casino trip in April and the Pennsylvania trip in May. Flyers will be available soon.
We celebrated birthdays and anniversaries and shared announcements.
Our Thanksgiving luncheon was indeed tasty, which consisted of turkey, dressing, and gravy provided by the kitchen committee and with all the fixins provided by the membership — yum! Thanks to those who provided; we are blessed!
We ended the meeting on another note — the day we met was World Kindness Day. The purpose of this day celebrated on Nov. 13 of each year is to help everyone understand that compassion for others is what binds us all together.
Till next month — Aloha!