I will work to make the roads and garage in Berne safe again
To the Editor:
I am writing to thank all of you who welcomed me into your homes while I was campaigning for highway superintendent. Your encouragement and support has been gratifying. Meeting everyone and listening to your concerns about recent town “goings on” has given me insight into what you feel should be changed and how.
I also want to thank all those individuals who approached me on the street, shaking my hand and wishing me luck in my run for office. People from all over the Hilltowns — Berne, Schoharie, Knox, Westerlo and even Gallupville — stopped me and told me they were glad I was running for the position and offered to help.
I was born and raised in Berne. I raised my children here. I know the community. I’ve received support from the community because people know I’m a hard worker who is honest and will serve everyone fairly and respectfully.
The many attempts to discredit me on Facebook and in letters to the public have been proven false, but all those people who know me, didn’t need the proof. They knew the accusations were untrue.
Even though I am a woman, I will tackle this job as I always have, with responsibility and hard work. I have never been afraid to tackle a job.
When I was at General Electric, I worked with and led a maintenance team of guys. We got our work done, meeting deadlines and following OSHA [Occupational Safety and Health Administration] rules. I have the experience to do the highway superintendent job.
Our current highway superintendent says I lack experience. The truth is, I have more experience than he did when, as a lumber salesman, he took office — and I will work full time. When my team is working, I will be working with them. I am certainly not going to take work away from my guys as has been implied by the current highway superintendent.
I want the job, and I also want to succeed in it. I want to be the first woman to take that step to become highway superintendent. I hope you’ll consider taking a chance on me. I will work full time, with my team, trying to make the roads and garage in Berne safe again.
Barbara Kennedy
East Berne