Altamont Enterprise June 3, 1921



The annual canvass of the village for subscriptions for the maintenance of the Altamont library will be made during the week of June 5th. All who contribute one dollar or more become members of the Library association and are entitled to a vote at the annual meeting in July. No arrangement has been made for an out of town canvass, but if patrons and friends of the library who live out of the village will hand their subscriptions to the treasurer, Mrs. Fred Keenholts, at their earliest convenience, the favor will be greatly appreciated by those in charge of library affairs. 


Mrs. W. S. Murray closed her school here Tuesday with an entertainment and ice cream and cake were served to the children. 


Death of Mrs. Foote. 

Mrs. Foote, who for some months had been living at the home of Wilson C. Briggs, and who a few weeks ago owing to ill health following an attack of the “flu” decided that a change would perhaps help her recover and went to the home of John Easton near Esperance, was found dead by Mr. Easton early Monday morning.
The family had noticed that Mrs. Foote had not acted just like herself of late, but did not anticipate her act of Monday morning when, arising early, she slipped out of doors before the family was up and drowned herself in the watering trough where she was found later. 

The community is shocked at the tragic ending of a life that was one of sweetness and devotion to all that the Christian religion stands for, and it could only have happened through some weakening of the mind caused by her illness. 



— Mr. and Mrs. William Hoag expect to leave on Sunday for Clifton Park, Saratoga county, where they will pass the summer on a farm recently purchased by their daughter, Mrs. Ernest Weaver. Mr. and Mrs. Weaver have been on the farm for a few weeks getting it ready for planting. 

— David T. Hurst, superintendent of repairs on state roads in the town of Guilderland, has had several of his men making repairs to the state highway through the village this week. The repairs so far made to the road have improved the bad places and put them in fine condition. 


Boy Scouts Enjoy Outing. 

About 250 Albany county Boy Scouts returned home Monday, after an outing at Camp Albany, established Saturday afternoon in Thacher State park near Altamont. Every troop in the county was represented. After tents had been pitched the boys enjoyed themselves until after supper when the big camp fire was lighted. Each troop was detailed to amuse the others for five minutes. The boys gave a minstrel show. Night guards and camp rules were established. The boys were on duty for two hour periods. Sunday morning there was inspection and troop 6 was awarded honors for having its camp in the best condition. After dinner the boys went on a hike to the Bear Trail and Haile’s cave. In the afternoon some troops went on another hike while other boys went swimming in Thompson’s lake. Those on the hike collected wild flowers and a contest followed to see how many could name all the specimens gathered. Sunday night there was another roaring camp fire and Superintendent John H. Cook spoke about the rock formations in the park. Monday after camp duties were finished there were field sports and an exhibition of trailing. Late in the afternoon camp was broken. 

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