Altamont Enterprise January 7, 1921
The United States Civil Service commission has announced an examination for the county of Albany, to be held at Albany on Saturday, Jan. 22, at 9:30 a.m., to fill the position of rural carrier at Altamont and West Albany. The salary of a rural carrier on a standard daily route of 24 miles is $1,860 per annum, with an additional $30 per mile per annum for each mile or major fraction thereof in excess of 24 miles. The examination will be open only to citizens who are actually domiciled in the territory of a post office in the county and who meet the other requirements set forth in Form No. 1977.
Both men and women, if qualified, may enter this examination, but appointing officers have the legal right to specify the sex desired in requesting certificates of eligibles. Women will not be considered for rural carrier appointment unless they are the widows of U. S. soldiers, sailor, or marines, or the wives of the same who are physically disqualified for examination by reason of injuries received in the line of military duty.
William Frost, aged 11 years, son of Mrs. Edward Gainsley of Voorheesville, died shortly after midnight Sunday night from injuries suffered while snowballing with a playmate last Friday. The boy was hit near the eye, causing severe pains, for which he was treated by Dr. A. M. Oliver, and he was thought to be getting along all right. However, he was taken suddenly worse last Sunday evening, dying before his physician, who was summoned, arrived.
Dr. Oliver thought a coroner should be called to determine the cause of death, and Coroner Mullen of Albany and Dr. T. M. Holmes of Delmar, coroner’s physician, arrived at 3 a.m. An autopsy revealed a fractured skull, a ruptured blood vessel having caused the sudden death.
William Frost leaves to mourn his early and sudden departure, his stepfather and his mother, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gainsley, also two sisters, a step-sister and brother, grandparents, and other relatives.
Gaius Schoonmaker installed a telephone for Clyde Ball on New Year’s day. His number is 3f-5-2 W. Berne.
— Someone recently visited Ariel Morehouse’s chicken roost, taking with them 20 of his fowls.
— Mrs. William Bradt entertained a number of the children of the Sunday school at her home last Tuesday.
Dorothy M. Wood, the five year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William J. Wood, is quite ill with central pneumonia, having been sick for over a week. Mr. Wood is also reported as having an attack of pneumonia and is now sick in bed.
The Altamont Seniors played a game of basketball with the Voorheesville Seniors on Thursday evening at Odd Fellows’ hall. Long’s orchestra of Albany played for dancing after the game.
Willard Smith met with a rather cold bath on Friday, while skating on the C. D. Hawn pond. The ice gave away, and Willard went in the water reaching his neck. With the aid of other boys, he was pulled out.