Hilltowns Senior News for Tuesday, November 3, 2020

The Helderberg Senior Services lunch program at the Town of Berne Community and Senior Services Center at 1360 Helderberg Trail in Berne welcomes seniors aged 60 and older to participate and enjoy a tasty, nutritious lunch. Lunches are served Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays.

Reservations must be made the day before the scheduled meal during the hours of 9 a.m. and noon. To reserve your meal, call Karen Stark at 518-937-5963. 

New format for lunches

Due to COVID-19 health restrictions, a new format for the lunch program, Grab & Go, has been instituted by the Albany County Department for Aging for the foreseeable future. 

Following health guidelines, everyone must wear a face mask, covering nose and mouth, when entering the building. At the sign-in table, guests’ temperatures will be checked. Anyone with a temperature of 100 degrees or higher will not be permitted to stay in the building. Guests will be given a pre-packaged lunch to take home. A $3 donation is suggested. 

Due to the health restrictions, the number of lunch guests is limited and no walk-ins will be accepted. 

Upcoming menus:

— Friday, Nov. 6: Lasagna roll-ups and salad, and baked fish and potatoes;

— Monday, Nov. 9: Lemon-garlic fish and mashed butternut squash, and baked chicken and squash;

— Tuesday, Nov. 10: Meatloaf and roasted potatoes, and baked fish and potatoes; and

— Friday, Nov. 13: Mac and cheese and stewed tomatoes, and baked fish and potatoes.


There has been a postponement to the re-opening of the ACCESS (Albany County Center for Essential Supportive Services) office to the Senior Center. Individuals of any age can still receive assistance with programs such as SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program), HEAP (Home Energy Assistance Program) and other county programs by calling 518-447-7177. 

Residents wishing to receive assistance from HEAP must immediately call 518-447-7323 to obtain the necessary forms for this program, which starts in mid-November.

If you are in need of legal advice, contact Karen Stark at 518-937-5963 for a lawyer referral from Albany Legal Aid.

Family caregivers looking for assistance in caring for older adult loved ones living at home can call Catholic Charities Senior & Caregivers Support Services at 518-372-5667, ext. 204. Services and information on respite options, counseling, support groups and much more are available.


Senior Section: