This lack of vision is not what we need
To the Editor:
“Tomato/Tomahto, Potato/Potahto, Amedore/Amedure — Let’s call the whole thing off.”
Elect Michelle Hinchey. For years I have been working on issues of importance to our district.
I met with Senator George Amedore on several occasions and each time his reaction to new thoughts and ideas was the same — I’ll stick with what we have. George is retiring and the Republicans nominated his clone and cousin Rich Amedure.
Amedure’s website states, “Rich is looking to continue the successful legacy of retiring Senator George Amedore, and build upon it.” This lack of vision is not what we need.
These are new times that require new ideas and innovations. Despite the pandemic, Michelle moved ahead and continues to do so.
During the past eight months, Michelle worked with food banks, community kitchens, and service organizations across the district helping families and neighbors get through these trying times. She compiled and published the only COVID-19 Guide created specifically for district residents and businesses.
She traveled the sprawling district, meeting frequently with local leaders, sitting down in kitchens with farm families, touring local businesses and reaching out to constituents and first responders through virtual meetings. We need this involved Senator. Elect Michelle Hinchey.
Martha Harausz