We need an underdog fighter for the people
To the Editor:
This year, it’s hard to find a reason to go to the polls at all especially when we live in a blue state where the outcome of the election at the federal level is pretty much predicted that New York will sway for Biden. Most of the candidates are not offering anything all that exciting or new to heal our country.
When Bernie Sanders was marginalized from the ballot in New York, that was the last straw for me. I assumed I would just stay home this year in protest — something I have never done before — since I have always been active in promoting election participation. I have seen so much inaction and partisan squabbles that I reached a point of being fed up and disillusioned that my vote could ever even make a difference.
But after looking further down the ballot, I found my reason to go to the polls in the State Senate race with write-in candidate Gary Greenberg. He represents the type of underdog fighter for the people that we need, and I want to support him.
I am particularly excited that he vows to vote to pass the New York Health Act, which would create better access to health care in the state. He is also an advocate for victims of sexual assault, so he knows how to fight for people who are vulnerable and win them justice.
Last, his write-in candidacy alone gives me a chance to stick it to the establishment because they fought so hard to try to exclude him from the ballot.
I am excited to go to the polls to vote for Greenberg as a write-in, and I hope others will go vote for the candidate of their choice as well. We can still find ways to engage in fresh ideas this election season especially at the local level.
Patricia Brooks