Hilltowns Senior News for Wednesday, August 12, 2020
Hello! Hoping all of you are staying safe and doing well. I am busy cleaning, sorting out things that have been collecting dust, and trying to cut back on the amount of food that I have been consuming since this COVID-19 virus hit!
Things are so different for all of us — no gatherings for meetings, which was a once-a-month highlight for many of us. I have been trying to figure out a plan to meet but to no avail.
I talked with the county’s commissioner of the Office of The Aging and she suggests we continue to stay home and be safe. However, she did mention that down-the-road we seniors will have some surprises coming our way. She will notify me when this happens and I will be calling all of you to give you heads-up on when this will take place and can’t wait to see what is in store!
In the meantime, if any of you need anything, please let me know.
Be someone’s “sunshine” when their skies are gray.
Your president misses you all.