Berne Library Notes for Thursday, April 23, 2020
Questions to ponder. Do you have favorite movie lines that make you smile, laugh, think? How often do you quote those familiar words? To name your number-one movie, what kind of switches are your brain cells flipping?
While trying to pin down that choice movie you’d watch repeatedly, how about a trivia puzzler to relax with. Here’s the line, name the movie:
— 1. “You can’t handle the truth!”;
— 2. “I’ll be back”;
— 3. “Contrary to popular belief, I know exactly what I’m doing”;
— 4. “Have fun stormin’ the castle”;
— 5. “I’ll have what she’s having”;
— 6. “Go ahead, make my day”;
— 7. “They call me Mr. Tibbs”;
— 8. “Do, or do not. There is no try”;
— 9. “Toto, I’ve got a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore.”
By now, you probably have a few more movie lines memorized with all those movies checked out from the library being renewed going on two months. Keep digging for movie quotes uproariously fun to say.
Speaking of digging, how are your stay-at-home archaeological digs going? As promised, the library trolls shared some of their recent finds.
Sporting their mini masks and gloves, they mined a few interesting items from the library’s inner sanctum. Fishing poles, a wall of cake pans, an open but unfinished container of Pringles barbecue potato chips, an ice-cream bar wrapper and three pumpkin seeds.
Take-aways from these finds?
Spend time with a favorite hobby or explore a new one. Bake and share when you can. Need a salty treat? Go for it. Plant seeds for your garden. And —it’s OK to have ice cream when the situation warrants it. Library trolls love ice cream.
While exploring e-content made available through the library with Hoopla, Overdrive, Libby, and Flipster, you have hundreds of titles to search through. Dive in and come out reading.
Books and movies are filled with wonderment. They take you to other worlds, open your mind to unique thoughts, allow respite pauses, float your happy ending within reach.
One such title reviewed this week: “Hope In a Jar” by Beth Harbison is a travel story between high school and adult years. Throw in a 20-year high school reunion, a less-than-nice classmate, and learning certain life truths. It’s a book to soften anxiety — a satisfying wrap to lift your spirits. Some days, you just need that happy ending.