Hilltowns Senior News for Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Happy New Year to everyone!
We gathered at the Senior and Community Access Center for our monthly meeting where there was much chatter on the beautiful weather we are having. We (more than 60 of us) all found our favorite seats and the meeting began with our guest speakers.
First we received an update from Mat Harris, our liaison with the Berne Town Board. Then Kathy Stemple from the Berne Library and Debbie Scott from the Westerlo Library both talked about new things at their libraries.
We talked about our upcoming trip to Lancaster, Pennsylvania in May. Thanks to all who signed up, our trip is now full.
Then we look forward to some day trips that were announced and the flyers will be available at our next meeting. There is still room on our New England/Canada Cruise in September, so you can still sign up as we would love to have you join us!
We sang birthday greetings to Bernice Bunzey who turned 96 and will send her the video with many of us doing our Senior Wave!
Next month, we will be receiving nominations for offices and look forward to the slate of officers.
Until next month — Be kind!