We saw lots of smiles leaving the fair!
To the Editor:
The Town of Knox-Pucker Street Fair Committee would like to sincerely thank the entire community for coming out and enjoying this year’s fair! Turnout was amazing, in part due to the gorgeous weather, and we saw lots of smiles leaving the fair!
There are too many individuals, groups, and businesses to list here who helped make the various events and activities possible. Please know that your donations, time, and manpower over the last several months did not go unnoticed. We could not have done it without you.
We are deeply committed to improving the fair for next year so the committee is asking anyone who attended to please take a short survey online that takes only two minutes to complete. All responses are anonymous.
You can find the survey by typing the following link into your internet browser: surveymonkey.com/r/22WJV7Y. Questions or other comments that exceed the survey character limit can also be emailed to knoxpsf@outlook.com.
Thank you again for your continued support for this great community event. We look forward to seeing you all in 2020!
Sue VonHaugg
Pucker Street
Fair Committee