Don’t allow bullies to win
To the Editor:
This letter is about bullying, but not your typical bullying, but administrative bullying. Why should bullying of staff by school administrators not be reported? If fear of reprisal for speaking up is the reason for remaining silent, that is an extension of bullying.
There are things that I have recently heard about that are disturbing, m source of my information in rock solid or I wouldn’t put pen to paper.
Recently someone sent a letter to the Enterprise editor counting examples that they knew of where staff of our local middle school has been bullied by administrators, but failed to sign the letter so it was not published. Why not sign the letter? Is it because of fear of reprisal. Being labeled a whistle blower on strong content of the letter? Only the sender knows the answer.
Everyone knows it’s easier for victims or witnesses to remain silent. Doing so is a win for the bullies! Don’t allow bullies to win at any level.
Do the right thing: Step up, speak out! Don’t be ashamed of being a victim. Although it may seem like you’re alone, you are not.
Steve Silvano