Berne moratorium on solar farms is unfair to taxpayers
To the Editor:
Hello, fellow Berne taxpayers. I’m writing this letter in regard to Local Law No. 1 “Town of Berne Industrial - Scale Energy System Moratorium Law.” After attending the February town board meeting, I feel a few members of our elected board have a dislike for solar farms and may have an agenda not in agreement with the residents.
We were told the years-long delay with no progress to speak of was due to “researching zoning requirements.” This answer and their obvious dislike for solar farms tells me we should expect impossible-to-meet zoning regulations.
The benefits of solar are many as a simple Google search will prove. Benefits such as safe, clean zero-emission; quiet, reliable, renewable energy; construction jobs; upgraded infrastructure; and the best benefit of all, tax revenue!
Imagine a business that uses nothing from the town such as roads or schools just the sun, and pays taxes!
If you are as fed up with your taxes and restrictive land-use regulations as I am, please let our board members know because their personal agenda is hurting us all. Thank you.
Gordon Pollard
East Berne
Editor’s note: See related story.