The public better wake up
To the Editor:
This letter will be brief, and possibly not acceptable to some, but the public, local and otherwise, better wake up. Soon the town of Guilderland will attempt to reassess all properties for necessary financial gain. One, more small example of what the future holds nationwide with our existing government, local, state and national.’The fault lies with politics, both Republican and Democrat — mostly Democrat. For example New York Governor Andrew Cuomo recently pardoned and released 30 felons, 23 of which are illegal aliens.
The United States Congress refuses to meet with the president in an attempt to solve the immigration problem, which, if not soon contained, will destroy our way of life. Hard-core Democrats and many Republicans over the years have intended to globalize and otherwise reform our Constitution.
Two examples: New York and California, both governed by Democrats. New York I believe is the highest-taxed state in the Union. California is a public cesspool, with illegal aliens running wild.
Unfortunately, both parties have been exposed by the election of Donald Trump. He has rattled the hard core political whorehouse in Washington, both Republican and Democrat, many who have been in offices for years. Term limits maybe the answer, but only time will tell and that remains to be seen.
George Pratt