Simple pleasures became a special event
To the Editor:
A pleasant evening welcomed friends and neighbors to Altamont Community Tradition’s annual Strawberry Social, held on Tuesday evening, June 19. Orsini Park provided the perfect setting for all ages to get out and enjoy each other, and our village.
Many thanks to Altamont Orchards, The Home Front Café, and Stewart’s Shops for their donations, which we used to create homemade strawberry shortcakes. In preparation, some ACT board members and Friends of ACT manned the ovens to bake hundreds of biscuits from scratch, while others sliced quart after quart of juicy strawberries donated by Altamont Orchards.
Thank you to the volunteers from the State Employees Federal Credit Union — Nancy, Shelli, and Jill — for serving up the delicious treats to our eager guests.
A long, but patient, line formed in front of Mac N Tosh the Clown, and the wait was rewarded by a clever balloon creation. Fun and games, including a large parachute and sack races, were organized and led by Stu and Anne Linendoll. ACT thanks you all for your energy and enthusiasm in providing lively fun for the families of Altamont.
ACT would like to thank the many visitors who thoughtfully contributed to the donation jar for the Altamont Food Pantry.
ACT treasures the Altamont community, and is honored to provide a delightful setting in which an ordinary summer evening with simple pleasures, becomes a special event.
Connie Rue, secretary
Altamont Community Tradition