Altamont Enterprise, April 3, 1914


FOR SALE — Seed potatoes, best late variety. Reference; any one who planted our seed last year. W. D. Cummings, Fullers.

FOR SALE — Eggs for Hatching — R. C. Rhode Island Reds, (Thompsons strain.) S. C. White Leghorn stock originally from (Young) pen headed with Cockerel direct from (Young) Price 5 cents apiece. V. Whitford, Westerlo.

FOR SALE — 20 head Holstein calves and yearlings, also a few bulls, all from high grade stock. For service, registered O. I. C. boar. 2 years old. Price 50c. Jay Engle, East Berne.

FOR SALE — Farm 73 acres, ½ mile north-east of Guilderland Center, excellent condition, fine orchard in bearing, young apple and pear orchard. Ideal location. Enos Stalker, Guilderland Centre

FOR SALE — Yoke of oxen 6 years old, well broken and very handy, could not be better, wgt 3500. Also 12 Oxfordown ewes and 6 young lambs Choice lot. Cyrus Crounse Altamont.

FOR SALE— 2 Holstein heifers, 2 ½ years old with calves, good ones; 2 springers same age. C. C. LaGrange, Slingerlands.

FOR SALE — Maxwell runabout car, good condition, $200. Alvin Warner, Altamont.

FOR SALE — One cheap work horse, inquire of A. J. Wiltsie, Box 13 Feura Bush.

FOR SALE — Seed oats. Erskine Armstrong, Gallupville.

FOR SALE — 100 bu. seed oats F. Richtemyre, Route 3, Altamont.

FOR SALE — New milch cow and calf. Curtis Pitcher, Altamont.

FOR SALE — 20 tons of hay, also seed oats. Jacob M. Becker, Altamont.

FOR SALE — My property on Main Street, Voorheesville. One family house, seven rooms and bath, heater, gas light, hot water boiler connected with range, large barn, fruit trees, lot 50x300. Charles A. Relyea, 240 Delaware Avenue, Albany, N. Y.

FOR SALE — Towar Farm, Slingerlands, N. Y. has for sale about fifteen tons of baled Oat Straw and about forty tons of baled Timothy Hay; also, three covered milk wagons, two double and one single; also, eggs for hatching, from Single Comb White Leghorns and Fawn and White Indian Runner Ducks, One Dollar per setting. Inquire of Mr. Oliver J. Wright at the farm, or of Charles F. Bridge, 82 State street, Albany, N. Y.

WANTED — Married man to work on farm, also single man, must be steady and reliable. Chas. Bender, Slingerlands, N. Y., R. D.

WANTED — A girl, good wages. Altamont Steam Laundry.

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