Altamont Enterprise April 20, 1917



Madison Finch, 82 years of age, and for nearly 35 years a resident of Altamont, died Tuesday morning, April 17, after several weeks of suffering from Bright’s disease.

Mr. Finch was born April 28, 1835, and for many years resided in the vicinity of Lee’s church and West Township. In 1852 his parents, John and Nancy Finch, with their four sons and two daughters, moved from West Township to Fairfax county, West Virginia, and settled on a farm six miles from Georgetown. When the Civil war broke out the family left for Washington, but Madison was forced to join the Confederate army, where he served two and a half years. Mr. Finch participated in the battle of Gettysburg, where he was compelled to fight against three of his brothers who were in the Federal army. He was finally taken prisoner and sent to Washington. Afterwards he was paroled and came north at the close of the war.

In 1874 Mr. Finch married Miss Emily B. Gage, who died in 1885. He came to Altamont, then Knowersville, in 1885 and conducted a meat market on Helderberg avenue. He was widely known and highly respected for his uprightness of character and fair dealing.


At a meeting of the Albany County Farm Bureau, held in the county court house at noon Wednesday, and attended by prominent farmers from all parts of the county, definite steps were taken for organizing the farm resources of the county with a view to increasing the food products this summer. One result of the meeting will be that community meetings of farmers will be held Saturday evening in every town of the county, at which the farmers will be asked to state their views as to their immediate needs for increasing food products.


Mr. and Mrs. Peter Devoe, who have been passing the winter in Schenectady have returned home. Their son, William Devoe, brought them in his automobile.


School has opened again after a short vacation on account of several being ill with measles. Most of the students have recovered.


A fire on Dr. Jesse Crounse’s property, west of the village, lying along the railroad, on Saturday destroyed 83 pear and 24 young apple trees. The fire was extinguished by the D. & H. section gang before further damage was done.



Miss Helen A. Van Derpoel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Van Derpoel of this village, and Raymond C. White, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. C. White, were married Wednesday evening at Albany. The bride was gowned in her traveling suit of gray Gunniburl cloth worn with a gray picture hat, and carried a corsage bouquet of lilies of the valley.

After a wedding supper at the Hampton Mr. and Mrs. White left by boat for New York city. On their return they will reside with the bride’s parents here. The young couple are both very popular among the younger set, and a host of best wishes are extended to them from their many friends.

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