Clarksville Historical Society celebrates History Month
NEW SCOTLAND — The M.B. Earl Store building in the hamlet of Clarksville will be open on Saturday, Nov. 5, from noon to 4 p.m. Photographs of Clarksville’s past will be on display at the old general store. The displays will include genealogy of some of our local families.
We are also collecting information on any local veterans from any wars and those who are interred in the Onesquethaw Union Cemetery. We would be interested in photos or any documents relating to their service. Arrangements can be made to make copies of originals so that you may retain any original papers.
If you can’t stop by on Saturday but have information on this subject please call Don or Sandy Slingerland or e-mail at .
This event is in participation with New York State History Month and Albany County history trail. The M.B. Earl Store is located at 2074 Delaware Turnpike (Route 442) in Clarksville, NY — next to Jake Moon’s restaurant.
Editor’s note: Marilyn Miles handles publicity for the Clarksville Historical Society.