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ALBANY COUNTY — Nearly two months after the death of Mabel Speanburg, a 60-year-old mentally retarded woman who lived in a New Visions group home, Bethlehem Police have isssued a report on the accident that led to her death.

Fight for Dems’
Top spot a no-decision

ALBANY COUNTY — Albany County Democrats have no leader and haven’t yet decided how to choose one after a Dec. 21 decision invalidated the election of Frank Commisso as chairman.

Convicted sex offender reveals life

ALBANY COUNTY — Although Albany County Democrats currently have a leader, there is no consensus on whether or not he was rightfully chosen for the job.

Mohawk traditions
Tarbell brings ancestors into better light

Wins 10th term to Congress
McNulty part of Dems’ power play

Democrat Michael McNulty returns to the House for his 10th term with 80 percent of the vote in the Congressional 21st District — his highest tally yet.

21st Congressional District
Republican Redlich challenges incumbent McNulty


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