New Scotland

NEW SCOTLAND — Republican candidates for town posts no longer have a lock on the Conservative Party line.

Going Out: for farm history
New Scotland was raised from farmers’ seeds

Enticing volunteers
Big bucks for benefits

How much are you willing to pay your volunteer firefighters and ambulance service workers"

After many tries
Voss named to planning board

NEW SCOTLAND — Chuck Voss, a professional planner, has finally secured a regular seat on the town’s planning board. He was appointed by a unanimous bipartisan vote.

NEW SCOTLAND — Joseph Kaiser, the owner of New Scotland Auto, and Howard Amsler, the owner of Blackbird Prime Properties, want to swap land with each other.

NEW SCOTLAND — The town board has increased water rates 17 to 38 percent for the Clarksville and Font Grove Road water districts.

Clarksville water district:
Without aid, town mulls how to go it alone

NEW SCOTLAND — The town board is now reviewing seven options for much-needed improvements and desired expansions of the Clarksville Water District.

NEW SCOTLAND — Political squabbles have already begun to play a role in the upcoming town elections.

NEW SCOTLAND — Marilyn Holmberg was the kind of women who put a pool in her backyard although she herself couldn’t swim, just so the neighborhood kids could.


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