
Windmills may never crop up in the Hilltowns, but a group of residents is preparing for the possibility anyway.

KNOX—After several years of little or no business, a new owner has re-opened the Fox Creek Flea Market. The flea market in the southwest corner of Knox, just north of the hamlet of West Berne, has been open since Memorial Day.

BERNE—Sixty years after the end of World War II, the era will be recreated and commemorated at Berne Heritage Days this weekend. lt will be the first time the annual event will have a theme.

KNOX — The town may change the process for getting a variance from the zoning board of appeals.

BERNE — The class of 2005 valedictorian for Berne-Knox-Westerlo High School is Kendall Bunzey, of Berne. The salutatorian is Kristopher Geist, of East Berne.

Kendall Bunzey

BERNE—After months of bitter protests from citizens who objected both to new zoning and to a Stewart’s in the hamlet, the Stewart’s company has withdrawn its proposal to build a convenience store and gas station in Berne.

KNOX—A Knox man has been charged with manslaughter and drunk driving after a crash resulted in the death of a Binghamton professor.
"He didn’t have a chance," Albany County Sheriff James Campbell told The Enterprise.

By Maggie Gordon
BERNE — Gordon "Gordy" Clapper regularly drives the Berne-Knox-Westerlo late bus — always with his wife, Sharon, in the front seat of the bus.


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