
Cassie Orlan, Albany County Young Democrats

Sue Zautner, Guilderland

Suzann Young, Altamont

Smiths and Jones’s Outnumbered, 

So Are the Men, in This Village 

Crossgates Mall has filed suit against another tenant for not paying rent. 

These massive tanks for gasoline are now underground in what will become the parking lot for the expanded Stewart's Shop in Altamont.

Guilderland girls soccer team played against Averill Park on Tuesday evening at home on wet and rainy night. Dutch fell 3 to 1.

GUILDERLAND — Alyssa Grogan, of Guilderland, earned a Ph.D. in molecular medicine from the University of Maryland School of Medicine. She successfully defended her thesis, “Investigating the pathophysiological significance of obscurin immunoglobulin domains lg58/59 in the heart.”

GUILDERLAND — Four Guilderland students have been recognized by the New York State School Music Association for their exemplary performances and were selected for the NYSSMA Conference All-State Music Ensembles:

— Morgan Dempsey in Mixed Chorus;

— Aidan Doyle in Instrumental Jazz;

Guilderland Public Library leaders symbolically broke ground on Thursday on a $9 million expansion and renovation slated for completion in the fall of 2021.


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