
Ted Neumann, Altamont, Community Tradition

Donna Gwin, President, Friends of The Berne Library

Edgar Tolmie, Altamont

Robert Mason, Guilderland

Nancy and Ed Durivage, Field hockey parents, Guilderland

Trying to attract substitute teaching assistants to work with special-needs students, the Guilderland school district hiked the salary for subs to $25 per hour, causing turmoil. The unit president called for negotiations, which will start on Monday.

Superintendent Marie Wiles said of the Dec. 9 forum, “This will be an information-gathering session for the school community and would help inform a cell phone-free policy.”

The property currently houses the existing village post office, a commercial building, and a former rail station building. 

Mark Grimm, Guilderland

Chief Todd Pucci said the funds, a Byrne Grant, are through the state’s Department of Criminal Justice Services. 


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