On Tuesday morning, One Tree Love preschool took a visit down to the Yarn Shop in Altamont to learn about where and how yarn is made.
The Enterprise — Michael Koff
Smoothing out the wool: Anna uses two brushes to card wool, straightening it so it can be spun into yarn.
The Enterprise — Michael Koff
Making his own sheep: Zeke applies colored wool fibers to a picture of a sheep during a visit his One Love Preschool class made to The Spinning Room in Altamont.
The Enterprise — Michael Koff
Hands on: Zoey Jane feels how soft the yarn is at The Spinning Room in Altamont on Tuesday morning as Zoey and her classmates from One Love Preschool visited the shop to learn about how yarn is made and where it came from.
The Enterprise — Michael Koff
Learning the basics: Kathy Loegering, right, shows her preschool visitors how a spinning wheel is used to make wool into yarn. Each of the kids had a chance to spin the wheel.