
Area schools are closed leaving kids without structure and without an opportunity to socialize in traditional ways — potentially for months. Psychiatrist Jessica Griffin, who is an associate professor of psychiatry and pediatrics at the University of Massachusetts Medical School, speaks about potential impacts of social distancing on children and how those impacts can be mitigated.

Someone at the City Mission has contracted the coronavirus disease. The county’s health department is working with support from the county’s Department of Social Services to see that people who are homeless or in shelters can be quarantined and not put others at risk. And the sheriff is ready to open a homeless shelter in a wing of the county’s jail.

“Stay home, save lives.”

On Saturday, New York’s attorney general, Letitia James, called on the State of New York to take steps to ensure eligible New York voters can take part in the scheduled April 28 Democratic presidential primary, as well as a handful of additional special elections around the state on that date, without risking the spread of the coronavi

“It’s kind of a multi-faceted, multi-level project,” said New Scotland Supervisor Douglas LaGrange of putting together a county-wide EMS program.

On Friday, New York’s attorney general, Letitia James, sent a letter to counsel for, calling on the company to immediately remove posts that attempt to “unlawfully and fraudulently” profit off consumers’ fears around the coronavirus dise

Gun sales have skyrocketed, Albany Sheriff Craig Apple says, urging, “Don’t go out and shoot a gun for the first time in the midst of this crisis.”

ALBANY COUNTY — For the time being, Community Caregivers, based in Guilderland, will remain open and available by telephone — at 518-456-2898 — between the hours of 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday.

The not-for-profit organization uses volunteers to assist people so they can stay in their homes.

The Capital Region COVID-19 Response Fund has been established to provide flexible resources to not-for-profit organizations working with local communities that are disproportionately impacted by coronavirus and the economic consequences of this outbreak.

The New York State Education Department and New York’s nine public television stations have expanded educational resources, and “Learn-at-Home” programming is now available for all of New York’s students in response to school closings across the state to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.


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