New Scotland Senior News for Wednesday, May 8, 2019
Come join us and bring a friend along. Anyone 62 and older in the town of New Scotland is welcome. The buses belong to you.
To sign up, call me, Deborah Engel, at 439-9038; leave a message and I will call back to confirm. We have 14 seats, to be filled on a first-come, first-served basis.
If possible, two buses will be used with a minimum of six people on the bus locally and minimum of eight for out-of-town trips.
Participants must prepay for all events with checks made out to the specified venue with the event name and date filled in on the memo line.
When trips become filled, they are no longer listed. Those who signed up will be called with time and place of pick-up a day or so before.
Please note: A new rating system lists a number for some outings:
— 1 is easy with flatter ground and one of two steps, little walking;
— 2 is moderate, with a half-dozen steps required, on and off at several stops; and
— 3 is hard with a lot of steps, a lot of walking, uneven ground.
If you sign up, please note you are responsible for your own equipment; you are welcome to bring an aid or friend with you to assist. The committee tries to look into each venue to see what is required for mobility and safety, access to buildings, parking, bathrooms, etc. Please be advised of the number to better assess your ability to attend.
If you need to cancel the morning of a trip, please call Martha Oden at 518-439-5588, or Larry Walley at 518-469-9963 in the event they are scheduled for the weekend.
Scheduled programs and meetings
A free exercise program, Healthy Bones for Life, meets at the Wyman Osterhout Community Center in New Salem every Tuesday and Thursday at 10 a.m. Come join them any time you can.
The first and third Wednesday of every month, the New Scotland Seniors meet at the community center at 12:30 p.m. for a potluck lunch followed by a business meeting at 1 p.m.
Every Thursday, there’s a movie at the Voorheesville Public Library. The show starts at 1:30 p.m.
Upcoming trips
Join us for these excursions:
— Thursday, May 9, Saratoga Springs Library — “Saratoga Lake & Her Lost Steamboats” lunch at Bailey’s Café — cost on senior leaving area at 10:30 a.m.;
— Tuesday, May 14, Mount Greylock road trip with Larry, Scenic view – lunch may be purchased at Bascom Lodge or bring your own bag lunch;
— Wednesday, May 15, Senior Citizens congregate meal come early and spend some time with friends. Lunch is at 12:30 p.m. (bring a dish to share and a plate and place service) at the Community Center stay and play cards and games afterwards;
— Friday, May 17, Howe Caverns tour $22, glass blowing studio must bring jacket (temperature is 53’, walking shoes required. Lunch at Brick House Bakery. Leaving area 9 a.m.;
— Tuesday, May 21: Saratoga Casino “Club 55 Day” buffet lunch $5.95 and chances to win grand prize for the day with Club 55 car. Depart around 9 a.m. and leaving casino around 3:15 p.m.; suggested bus donation $5 each way;
— Thursday, May 23, H&L Food Truck on the Hudson lunch, cost on senior, leaving area at 11 a.m.
— Friday, May 24: Bingo at the Community Center noon to 3 p.m. The fee is $2. Hot Dogs before the game, cost is $1.50;;
— Saturday, May 25, Sharon Springs Garden Party, vendors, shops open, food and entertainment – leaving area at 9 a.m..
— Sunday, June 2: MacHaydn Theater for a matinee of “Camelot” at 2 p.m. The cost is $32 with checks made out to MacHaydn and into Deb Engel by May 15 to reserve your seat;
*****Checks are due at this meeting for the June 2 matinee at MacHaydn “Camelot.”
— Tuesday, June 4, Mountain Star Gazing with Larry, New Moon bring blanket, chair, jacket, snacks and drink of choice;
— Wednesday, June 5: Senior Citizens business meeting at the Community Center 1 p.m. with light refreshments; stay and play cards and games;
— Thursday, June 6, Rensselaer County Historic Museum “Bridges of the Hudson River” Historical touring of the County, free admission – lunch TBA
— Tuesday, June 11 ” Hildene” home of Robert Todd Lincoln $16 tour of house, peony garden, Carriage House, Pullman Car, Cheese making facility and goat barn – lunch stop – cost on senior – leaving area 9 a.m.;
— Thursday, June 13, Saratoga Springs Library “Bare Knuckles & Saratoga Racing” free lunch at Bailey’s Cafe;
— Friday, June 14 Clark Art Institute - admission $20; exhibitions: Renoir: The Body, The Senses Janet Cardiff: The Forty Part Motet. Wear comfortable walking shoes and dress for the weather. Leaving area 9 a.m. Lunch stop with cost on senior;
— Monday, June 17, Stone Fox Grill for lunch country ride with Larry — leave area at 11:30 a.m., maybe ice cream stop;
— Wednesday, June 19, Senior Citizens catered lunch come early and spend some time with friends. Lunch is at 12:30 p.m. (bring a plate and place service) at the Community Center stay and play cards and games afterwards. Helping hands and volunteers are always needed to put on and set up and clean up. Stay and play cards and games afterwards;
— Monday, June 24, Taj Indian Restaurant for buffet lunch All You Can Eat - includes choice of beverage $10 plus tax. Leaving area at 11:15 a.m.;
— Tuesday, June 25: Saratoga Casino “Club 55 Day” buffet lunch $5.95 and chances to win grand prize for the day with Club 55 car. Depart around 9 a.m. and leaving casino around 3:15 p.m.; suggested bus donation $5 each way;
— Wednesday, June 26, Knox Market Cafe for lunch with Larry. Order off menu with cost on senior. Leaving area 11:30 a.m.