Hilltowns Senior News for Friday, June 17, 2016

A good laugh recharges your batteries. If this is true, the seniors that attended the June 11 meeting are

ready to go for the next 10 years.

The Mike and Donnie show was put to a test and we decided that every month we would include them in

our meeting. Mike informed me that it is not a model T, but a model A that he drives. Correction accepted and noted.

We sang our usual "America The Beautiful" and later we sang "God Bless America" Donnie (the other half of the team)

said we sang them so good we should of taped them. So right then and there we decided to go on the road.

Elsie Wilms reported that we had $56.95 collected for coffee. (everyone pays a $1.00) so we are still scratching our heads

to see who was only 95% there. Oh, it only gets better.

I decided that each of us was to write our memories. I know, I know, some of us have lost our memories, but we will give

it a try. Our first page is going to be about our earliest childhood memory. I gave them an example. My first memory was

trying to get out of bed without waking my sister (she would have yelled at me) and then going into my parents’ bedroom

to get in bed with them. So this led my sister to jump up and tell everyone that her first memory was me taking her

outside and cutting off her only curl. Well you can imagine the uproar. Anyway we are going to try this and I will keep

you informed.

Along the way we did manage to have a meeting, sing birthday greetings and celebrate a very special anniversary.

Ed and Lois Wood were celebrating their 65th wedding anniversary. "They" even brought the cake and ice cream.

Stories were told about their courtship and wedding,

The travel committee reported that the June and July trips are ready to go and she will give a report on more at the next meeting.

The next meeting will be our picnic at the Knox Town Park. Even that got some laughs. So July 13 the Walls and Vincents

will provide hamburgers. We will bring a dish to pass and bring our own place settings. Alyce is making drinks.

And I bet there will be a little bingo played.

Remember: Laughter is the corrective force which prevents us from becoming cranks.

Senior Section: