Hilltowns Senior News for Thursday, May 28, 2020
A special “hello” to all the Hilltown Seniors! I think about you all everyday and yes, talk to some of you as we reach out to one another!
I remember the last time we met for our gathering at the Hilltown Senior Access Center, which was in January 2020! February brought us a snowstorm so I cancelled our get-together so that we could stay safe in our homes.
It looks like March was the beginning of the coronavirus and again, we were told to stay home. It seems like we will continue to stay home until this virus is over!
We senior citizens are vulnerable and the reason why is because our immune systems are less effective at fighting infections as we get older and we often have multiple other chronic diseases that can complicate this virus. So, we are self-distancing and wearing our masks and staying at home as much as possible.
I have been thinking about the trips that we cancelled and hope 2021 brings on many more to make up for the ones we have missed.
When will we meet again? That is a good question that I do not have the answer to.
I’m thinking I will make plans for a Christmas Party with a “Knock Your Socks Off” theme — so wear your pretty socks to the party!
Well wishes to my wonderful seniors — stay safe!