Hilltowns Senior News for Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Well, it’s that time again — for our monthly meeting and lunch gathering! We began our meeting with approximately 70 in attendance and the reports were read and accepted.

We thanked Helderberg Ambulance for again sending three of its finest to take our blood-pressure readings. We are blessed to have them with us each month!

We were honored to have, from the Albany County Sheriff’s Office, a deputy who gave us information on the use of Narcan. He explained how to use the nasal spray and where to obtain it and answered all our questions, which were plentiful. We give thanks for the department for allowing us his time.

Then our own Jon Wood spoke on scams, which are plentiful and those annoying phone calls. Thanks, Jon, very informative!

We wished all our moms a Happy Mother’s Day and I gave a reading — “The Mom Test.” Next month, we will celebrate Father’s Day — can’t wait!!

We will be participating in the Berne Memorial Parade with veterans riding and then a King and Queen in their snazzy car!

Our travel gal updated us on all that is lined up through September — we are so excited! We have two seats left for Mac-Haydn Theatre and still have room on our Boston trip.

Last but not least, we are going to be celebrating another anniversary by going out to dinner and it sounds like a wonderful meal and wonderful time! Be sure to call Connie Skinner if you haven’t signed up to go. We are so thankful to spend another year together.  

Till next time — At what point does it stop being “good for the garden?”


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