Berne Library Notes for Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Have you had your fill of spunky festivities?
How about one more to add to the score?
Try an Eve Year Noon celebration
On December 31st
Twelve hours before the evenin’
10, 9, 8 — counting begins
Be here at 11:30 in the morn
For a family-friendly
Noon Year Eve celebration
Feted as countdown to noon
This may well be your first
Party hats, confetti, crafts, and some food
You’re all invited
To help the countdown begin
Library Celebration
Sign up or show up for the Berne Public Library’s Noon Year’s Eve Celebration at 11:30 a.m. on Tuesday, Dec. 31. This special program bumps story time. Mark your activity-tracking device, whatever that may be, and be here to get this party started.
Art Gallery
The Friend’s December Art Gallery features Eleanor Graves - traveler, explorer, photographer, artist. A 30 x 40 canvas print bringing you to an ocean view by following a rock tiered dive to the shore welcomes you. Add that to twenty six photos of exquisite scenery and you’ve struck art appreciation gold.
Take this opportunity to travel across the state and over into Maine, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania and the Dakotas. Check out a snap of Mount Rushmore, Crazy Horse and the Corn Palace. See Lighthouses, an osprey taking flight, sunsets and peaceful waters. Now until the first week in 2020 visit the art gallery and experience part of Eleanor’s world.
Word of the Month
“Oooh! Oooh! Oooh!” Wiggling around in her seat, hand held high, Leigh wanted to be the first one to be heard. It was the Word of the Month Club’s huddle to kick off 2020 with a mighty Thor roar.
“There, there Leigh. Relax. We’ll be getting to the word in a minute” Sasha playfully responded. “First, a toast.” Raising their mocktails of pineapple and watermelon slush, Sasha proclaimed “Here’s to appreciating our energetic Festivus celebration this year. Now let’s hear the word for January 2020. Take it away Leigh.” Leaping out of her chair Leigh shouted Potential, Potential, Potential to a room full of smiles.
Reach for your inner potential this month. Scrawl potential on the top of your amaze me list. Look for potential as you read, write, actionate. Channel your potential in January from start to finish.
Reading Challenge
Excitement is brewing! Winter’s reading challenge is at the starting gate. From Jan. 1 through March 31, all ages are invited to sign on for the 500 minute winter reading challenge. It’s a snap to sign up on Readsquared, which can be accessed from the library website:
Register, pick out some books, track your reading, earn a certificate. Questions? Call the 518-872-1246.
Get Cozy@Your Library, a separate reading program cycling in January, focuses on health and stretching your inner potential for 50+ humans. Details coming soon. Happy New Year, happy reading.