Berne Library Notes for Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Submitted by AE staff on Wed, 10/16/2019 - 15:08

A sea of words sashays across the page with a victorious stance. Hey, over here. There may be something of interest to you as you scan these lines of type. Dip your gaze in this direction.

The essential questions spring up. What’s all the hubbub? Is there a freebie involved? A program, an event, a new challenge to sign up for?

Could it be information sharing, lessons in life, a roaring refusal to accept the status quo, passing along some humor to lighten the day? Is it worth 2 minutes and 61 seconds of my time I’ll never get back, to jump in and decipher the story line?

You”ll know you made the right decision when you scan the lines and discover an informative program being held at the library. Or a free seminar to improve your computer skills.

Maybe it’s a mention of new books, movies and magazines you’ve wanted to get your hands on. Housed here at the Berne Public Library, you’ll find all that and more. Read on for programs happening this week. Thanks for giving a nod this way. 

Knit Wit Group

The monthly Knit Wit group will meet Sunday, Oct. 20 at 7 p.m. Bring your latest yarning project and share new ideas. All interested in the craft are welcome to join. Do you have a snag you’d like help with? The Knit Wits will be happy to help.


How about a look at story time Tuesdays at 10:30 a.m.:

Pumpkins, pumpkins on the mound

Starting their life as a seed in the ground

Pumpkins, pumpkins beginning their fun

As vines pop out drinking water and sun 

Growing bigger and bigger from blooming flowers

Tiny green pumpkins thrive from sun’s daily showers

Gaining girth and new color 

That pleases the crowd

Pumpkins, pumpkins on the mound.

On Tuesday at 10:30 a.m., Oct. 22, Pumpkin Story Time rolls out in the community room with a story or two featuring, you guessed it, pumpkins.

Learn how these orange orbs are all sorts of wonderful. Pumpkin pie, Jack-O-Lanterns, decorations. All the 5 and under kids and their caregivers are invited in for this Tuesday’s story time filled with pumpkin stories, pumpkin grooving and pumpkin crafting. 

Food donations

In case you missed it, a community project sponsored by the library, stamped as “The Great Give Back”,  has been underway since Oct. 1 and continues through Oct. 19. People are asked to bring their non-perishable food donations to the library during open hours. Oct. 19 wraps up this month’s Great Give Back. The library thanks you all very much for supporting this program.

Trading Card Game

Also happening on Saturday, Oct. 19 is a Pokemon Trading Card Game starting at 1 p.m. in the community room. Compare your collections, bring your friends. All skill levels are welcome.


Mark your calendars. The annual lasagna dinner fundraiser by the Friends of the Berne Library is set for 5:30 p.m. on Nov. 2 at the Senior Center. Tickets are $12 at the door or $10 pre-sale at the library. Find all library events listed at their web page, follow the library on Facebook, call the library with any questions 518-872-1246 and read all about it in the Altamont Enterprise.