Berne Library Notes for Thursday, July 26, 2018
The Berne Public Library will become Congressman Paul D.Tonko’s Mobile Office on Friday, Aug. 3, between 3 and 6 p.m. Please stop by if you have questions about the federal government, ranging from veteran’s benefits to Social Security and Small Business loans.
Make it a crowd for Two’s Company
Music In the Park’s popular series is strumming along into week four. Stepping onto stage on Wednesday, Aug. 1, at 6:30 p.m., give this week’s music stars, “Two’s Company,” a big round of applause.
The group’s been at its music-making bit for some time, sharing mixes of classic country, rock, and popular oldies from back in the day. Plan a night at the Berne Town Park, grab refreshments from the Friends of the Berne Library’s goodie booth, snag a few raffle tickets, and listen to the band.
Story time will melt your heart
An outdoor summer snowman? Say what?
That’s right! It’s a fact.
During Berne’s Wee Rockers story-time session, Ann Hein reads a delightful tale about a summer snowman with a surprise of an ending. July melts away this Tuesday, the 31st, with story time leading the day at 10:30 a.m. somewhere at the library.
In addition to the snowman show, hone your hearing skills with a few animal songs. “Old MacDonald,” “Five Little Monkeys,” “Itsy Bitsy Spider” — what tunes will you bring to the table?
Rock Crew play fest
Six- to 12-year-olds, pack your guitar for the Rock Crew play fest. On Thursday, Aug. 2, at 2 p.m., guitars have the spotlight. There’s the acoustic, electric bass, and classic guitar to name a few.
Then you have guitar picks, straps and extra strings. From bluegrass to heavy metal, flamenco to jazz, there will be a guitar stealing the show.
Libraries Rock
Summer reading challenges continue on with both adults and the younger crowd. Choosing book titles, writing reviews, and tracking reading minutes is all part of the plan
Jump in any time to join the quest of finding just the right read. Questions? Call the library at 518-872-1246 for answers.
As Kathy Stempel, Berne’s library manager, says: “Libraries Rock.”