Berne Library Notes for Thursday, June 4, 2020

— Photo from Sandra Kisselback

Life inside the Berne Library with a healthy dose of blooming poinsettia watching over the community room.

Yoo hoo! Turn the page. Make the grade. Sing a song. June is here and this month the Berne Library honors dads and grads, Flag Day, and the first day of summer. But first and foremost, let’s get into news you can use now.

Curbside service has been activated. That’s right, library lovers. Items can be ordered from Berne’s collection and this includes seeds from the Seed Library. Get your orders in by calling 518-872-1246, texting 518-275-7916, emailing, dropping a list in the drop box, or using Facebook messenger.

Available pick up times: Monday and Wednesday between 1 and 2 p.m. or 6 and7 p.m. And, starting on June 13, Saturday between 9 a.m. and noon.

Push the unpause button and peruse the catalog for books available from the Berne Public Library. It’s a pleasure to be able to serve you in whatever capacity allowed during this new lifestyle happening all around the globe.

Virtual ventures

Another couple of items to mention include virtual kickoff ventures. On the schedule for June 9 at 7 p.m. is a GoToMeeting for the writing group “Journeys on the Page.” People have stories to tell,  moments to share, ideas to verbalize.

Many times pouring these stories, moments, and ideas onto the page relaxes the soul and refreshes the mind. Give yourself the 30-day writing challenge of at least five minutes a day to throw your thoughts on the page. See where the journey takes you. Email if interested in joining the writing journey. 

June 9 is touted as National Strawberry Rhubarb Pie Day according to And there’s also National Donut Day on June 5. Sounds like a good cooking story is about to unfold. “How Donuts and Strawberry Rhubarb Pie Solved the Hilltown Conundrum.”

Ready your beverage of choice on June 12 from 6 to 8 p.m. for “Happy Hour.” Or is that happy two hours? Light conversation about literature, community and COVID-19. Find details on the Berne Library’s Facebook page for the meet-up and sign-in.

With all this talk about virtual, sign-up, GoToMeeting, Zoom, ebooks and all things wifi, internet, and computer savvy, what about the folks without a connection to that world of devices?

If you know of someone in your community in this situation, safely reach out to them in a meaningful way. Send a “thinking of you” note or “hello how ya doing” letter, pass on a funny story, or call to share a few caring words. 

Thank you and happy reading.