Berne Library Notes for Thursday, May 14, 2020

— Photo from Sandra Kisselback

“Hey, what about bringing to life your very own nature journal?” asks Berne Library correspondent Sandra Kisselback.

Dust clumps build up in areas of stillness. Kind of like brain activity. Sometimes you need to shake those dust clumps loose.

There are a million small ways to clear the mind for a reboot. If you’ve never read a book, read a book. Write your lockdown story. Draw a self-portrait, draw your pet, draw that bowl of grapes hanging out on the kitchen counter.

Learn how to say “What do library trolls eat?” and, “Thank you so very much” in Pirate, Japanese, Swedish, or Greek. Practice being a sumo wrestler for the day.

Be a tree. Possibilities are limitless.

Starting a hobby could give those dust clumps a good whomping. Hey, what about bringing to life your very own nature journal?

Jumpstart the journal today for a relaxing zen activity. Gather some pencils, crayons, markers, and tape. Pull in pages of paper to record your observations. Craft your pages to your personal interests.

Here are a few ideas to fire up the brain grill:

— Timeline your pages with day and date;

— Do a daily weather report. Like snowflakes in May, sun, hazy sky or rain;

— Record animal and bird sightings; 

— Draw nature scenes on your pages;

— When did you spot the dandelion’s yellow bloom pop?;

— Include pictures of your pets;

— Describe those indescribable pinkish, glowing, magical sunsets;

— Add greenery to your pages in the form of ferns, clippings, leaves.
Be a plant detective;

— Identify poison ivy and steer clear; and

— Share your findings at a future library program.


Wifi is a continued parking lot feature. It is a privilege to serve you. 

Thank you to all the fans out there enjoying Miss Kathy’s virtual story-time reels on the Berne Library’s Facebook page. Check for updates on the website, Facebook, and the library’s weekly Altamont Enterprise blurbles. Looking forward to seeing some of those nature journalings.

Keep reading, k?