Berne Library Notes for Thursday, April 18, 2019

Eleven days and full steam ahead. That’s right; school’s out all next week so it’s time to engage vacation mode. At the library, there are lots of opportunities to enrich the days ahead. Besides all the books, magazines, and videos, there are museum passes you can borrow with your library card. Available passes include:

— MiSci Museum: admission for two adults and all children in the same household;

— The Clark Art Institute: one adult admission;

— USS Slater: two adults and two children; and

— Albany Institute of History and Art: two adults and two children.

There is also a new set of items that may be borrowed if you are in the mood for some baking. Molded cake pans are in the building and awaiting your cake-creation mastery.

Knit Wits

Looking for new yarns to explore? How about giving the Knit Wits a try? On the  third Sunday of the month, this group knits, chats and works on targeted donation goals. Bring your projects over at 7 p.m. on April 21. If you have any snags you need help with, this group is there for you.

Story Time

Earth Day, a long celebrated tradition since 1970, is the featured story time subject for April 23 at 10:30 a.m. The half hour meetup will look at recycling, spring cleaning and appreciating planet Earth. Get a kids eye view of simple actions the 5 and under group can learn to unlitter their world. Stories, bend and pick movement and a craft round out the time.

STEM Program

You’ve heard of deoxyribonucleic acid, right? It’s that ‘stuff’ that carries your genetic make-up. You may be more familiar with its acronym - DNA. As part of a STEM program on April 24 at 1 p.m. enter the multi-layered world of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. Why are your eyes blue? One sibling has red hair while two others have brown? It all boils down to the intricacies of DNA.

Program suspended

Scrabble Night has been temporarily suspended due to the lack of attendance.