Berne Library Notes for Wednesday, January 27, 2021

“I won the tractor-driving competition at the Altamont Fair two years in a row.” Pastor Jay Francis was 13. His 4-H membership from fifth to 12th grade strengthened his agricultural roots. “I was driving tractors, farm trucks and cars long before getting my license at 16.”

A fifth-generation farmer of Ever Flowing Springs Farm in Berne, Pastor Jay knows the rewards of hard work. At 17, with his life trajectory changing from dairy farming to ministry, his respect for the earth and people remained key. After earning three college degrees, Pastor Jay returned to Berne in 1965. The in-home church study group he started grew to become the Rock Road Chapel.

Through it all, Pastor Jay’s roots remain close to the land. Baling hay, raising beef cows, walking two miles each day, and lifting weights are all part of his life recipe. “I've traveled to six continents. It’s always joyful coming home. There’s no other place like the Hilltowns.”

“LifeStyle Changes of a Hilltown Lifer” is Pastor Jay's contribution to  the TEDxBernePublic Library — Life On the Hill event. Tune in on Feb. 27 from 1 to 3 p.m.


There have been challenges up, down, and sideways over the last several months. So, instead of a”“Winter Reading Challenge,” the Berne Public Library is opting for a “Winter Reading Spring Party."

 This is a reading free-for-all. Physical books, ebooks, newspapers, magazines, cereal boxes, recipes. You can even listen to audio books. It all counts in the “Winter Reading Spring Party.”

This reading party runs from Feb. 12 to April 2. Sign up and become a reading party member today.  


It’s perfect timing for the Word of the Month Club’s virtual mingle with the full moon and all. Boxing up snack-attack packs with three mocktail recipes and the decorate-your-hat craft was a fun last-minute idea. 

Roxanne made a quick call to Cindy Leigh. “Did they all get their packages?” 

“Yes, all set.” 

“Great.” Roxanne smiled and pulled up her laptop.

“Hi. Nice to see everybody. And I love what you’ve done with your hats. Very creative.” 

Smiles filled the screen.

With a nod from Roxanne, Devon, the club’s newest member, whaled the purple gong.

“All through January, your gutsy instincts kept you exploring new territories. Raise your glasses now to toast February’s word. Cindy Leigh, take it away.” 

Standing, Cindy Leigh peeled back the envelope. Waving her hand high she shouted, “Resourceful! February is resourceful.”

She continued reading, “Out of milk but want to make a cake? Be resourceful and search for a non-dairy cake recipe. Go all McGyver this month and practice the resourceful dance. Be on the lookout for all things resourceful in your everyday encounters.”

“Glasses up for a rip-roaring resourceful February. Cheers everyone.” Cheers echoed back with raised glasses and a refreshing sip.

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