Young at Heart, Feb. 5, 2015
The next lunch at the Westerlo Reformed Church’s fellowship hall on Route 143 is on Feb. 10 from noon to 2 p.m. The menu will consist of homemade chicken soup, egg salad and grilled cheese sandwiches, homemade assorted pickles, dessert and drinks.
If the Berne-Knox-Westerlo schools are closed because of weather, we also will be closed. If the Berne-Knox-Westerlo schools are delayed two hours, we will be open for lunch.
The lunch is sponsored by the Young at Heart Seniors Ministry, backed by the Reformed Church, the Hilltowns Community Resource Center, and concerned citizens. Lunches are served the second and fourth Tuesday of each month to anyone over 60. Donations are accepted but not expected.
We had a hardy 16 people come for the last lunch. Some hadn’t seen each other for 20 years and had a wonderful time re-visiting old times. Join us for good food and lots of laughs.