Melissa Hale-Spencer

Leaders say
Teachers grow through evaluation

GUILDERLAND — Guilderland teachers are being evaluated in ways that help them grow professionally, say leaders of a committee that developed the new system.

Health-insurance quandary
School board debates consultant’s role in RFP

GUILDERLAND — Officers of the local union that includes bus drivers and mechanics ex-pressed concerns to the school board last week about a $10,000 efficiency study on busing students.

Seize the day and plan for the future

The time is ripe for a regional master plan.

From the Helderberg highlands to the valley below, in all of the towns we cover, there is talk of planning.

GUILDERLAND — A teaching assistant at Farnsworth Middle School who resigned last month was arrested yesterday for endangering the welfare of a child and unlawfully dealing with a child.

GUILDERLAND — A local PTA lost thousands of dollars when a fund-raising company abruptly shut its doors last month.

From the editor
Varied views inform, enlighten

I admire Liz Funk. A Voorheesville teenager, she first called our office last spring because she was organizing a high school chapter of NOW.

RENSSELAERVILLE — Town Hall was packed on New Year’s Day as the town board’s two Democrats differed sharply with the three Republicans on several key appointments for 2006.

In Westerlo
New date for planning board meetings, new pay plan for zoners

In BerneCrosier praises volunteers, pledges preservation of "rural way of life"


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