Melissa Hale-Spencer

By Peter Henner

Soldiers have done their jobs, now it’s our turn

Illustrated by Forest Byrd

BERNE — A 25-year-old Berne man, police say, was arguing with his 21-year-old girlfriend on Monday evening when he fired a shotgun into a wall of their home to scare her.

By Jordan J. Michael

SCHENECTADY –– Before the hockey season began, Guilderland joined forces with Mohonasen because both teams were short players. Now, after five games, the Dutch-Warriors have a total of five goals and no wins.

By Peter Henner

The Albany Chess Club Championship, which is being held for the first time in several years, is providing an excellent demonstration of the growing quality of chess in the Capital Region.

Standing together leaves nest eggs uncracked

We’re reporting on some welcome news in Guilderland this week. Two more contracts with town workers have been agreed upon — with no raises.

GUILDERLAND — The owners of Star Plaza want to cut the mall’s assessment by more than half.

By Zach Simeone

RENSSELAERVILLE — ’Tis the season for a new truck and better lighting at Town Hall.

By Zach Simeone

By Jordan J. Michael

VOORHEESVILLE –– The Lady Blackbirds got out of the gates early on Tuesday and never looked back.


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