The borrowing limit discussed by the town board so far is $2.8 million, for a project that includes bringing the town court back into the same building as the town hall.
Jayson White was allowed, as a result of the pre-trial hearing on May 18, to see his two daughters for supervised visits, with his progress monitored with regular appearances in family court.
Police say David Cardona, Shane Parry, Robert Denman, and Ian Kundel — all varsity athletes — entered the school through an unlocked window and made a mess on April 24.
Reluctant to comment on whether she supported the $22.3 million budget put forward by the school board for next year, Lillian Sisson-Chrysler said she thinks the district is well funded.
Learning as they go and using the latest cold-climate grape varieties, Ernest Cupernall and Victoria Vattimo are planning to produce wine from a vineyard on their Knox property.