Marcello Iaia

The town's database doesn't correspond to locations in the records room, as it is intended, Town Clerk Kimberly Swain said during questions from the town's planning board secretary during the Dec. 10 board meeting.

Berne's receptionist and all-around resource spent her last town board meeting in characteristic fashion: writing notes in her yellow legal pad and correcting the town board in its process.

DELANSON — This year, Art Ogsbury’s daughters heard him give a blessing before the family’s Thanksgiving meal for the first time.

Kenneth Crawford and his grandson, Corbin Repscher, work the hayfields surrounding their Long Road farm, where Crawford has spent most of his life doing what he loves.

A Guilderland volunteer scrounges, sews, and collects from generous locals to benefit the Hilltown Community Resource Center.

Two years into her four-year term, Bonnie Conklin said she wants to dedicate herself more to her work. She said she felt uncomfortable and uninformed at times on the council.

The Republican assemblyman hosted a community on Nov. 19 meeting with frank conversation on lobbyists, hydraulic fracturing, shared services, and telecommunications.

The town's fund balance used for 2014 is under $25,000. Much of the leftover money this year was used to fund flood recovery projects awaiting federal money, said Supervisor Richard Rapp.

A woman raped and kidnapped by a juvenile detention center inmate in Rensselaerville cannot collect both workers’ compensation benefits and settlement money from a civil rights lawsuit for the same injuries, the state’s Court of Appeals affirmed, 6 to 1, on Nov. 19.​

Supervisor Valerie Lounsbury said the town's preliminary 2014 spending plan is $703 under the state-set tax cap of 1.66 percent on increases to the levy.


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