Judy Petrosillo

Are you living your life to the fullest? Author Terry Pratchett stated, "It is often said that before you die your life passes before your eyes. It is in fact true. It's called living."    

Although Veterans Day honors all United States military personnel, Memorial Day was established as a day for remembering those who died during their service.

"Shellebrate" World Turtle Day on Monday, May 23. This day was initiated in 2000 by the American Tortoise Rescue to increase respect and knowledge for one of the world's oldest creatures.

According to the University of Florida's website, May 16 is Biographers Day. The day was chosen in honor of the first meeting in 1763 of James Boswell and Samuel Johnson.

Amidala was the mother of Luke and Leia Skywalker and the grandmother of Kylo Ren.  If you are not a fan of “Star Wars,” this information is of little interest.

The Every Child a Reader organization is dedicated to instilling a lifelong love of reading in children.

According to Earthday.org, the first Earth Day was in 1970 when human energy was officially channeled toward environmental issues.

When someone mentions March Madness, it is difficult to determine if they are talking about basketball, politics, or the weather.  Perhaps they are referring to all the activity at the library.

Through the database link on the Berne Public Library's website, you can access an incredible amount of knowledge.  There is an article on goats by Robert J.

Limerick is the capital of County Limerick, one of the 32 counties making up Ireland. A limerick is also a comic verse, frequently nonsensical, explained as follows:


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